N.B.: All the above rules and regulations are subject to modification or changes by authorities if and when necessary.
Academic Session Commences from the first day of July every year and ends on the thirtieth June in the year following.
Medium of Instruction and writing answer scripts in all subjects except for the languages is either English or Bengali.
Change of any one combination subject is allowed only once within stipulated date as may be notified for this purpose.
Attendance of the students in theoretical and practical classes is strictly monitored. Students having less than 75% attendance in each subject will be treated as non-collegiate and they will have to pay a fine so as to enable them to appear at the examinations, as per University rules, and if the attendance of the students falls below 50 %, they will be treated as dis-collegiates and debarred from appearing at examinations.
Students who will remain absent from the classes continuously for thirty days at a stretch or with interruptions from the date of commencement of classes without any valid reason and prior permission, her admission will stand cancelled and her name will be stuck off the rolls.
Students taking admission on migration from other Board / University are to submit their Original Migration Certificates within one month from the date of admission failing which their admission may stand cancelled.
A student must submit Registration cum Enrolment forms duty filled in within 60 days from the date of her admission failing which a student may not be admitted to the University Examinations. A student must submit the following papers for the registration of her name with the University.
The Unit Tests will be held In conformity with the University Examination Schedule. Examinations are compulsory for all the students. Promotion to next higher class or sending up for the Final Examination depends upon satisfactory result of the students in the college examinations.
The University Examination will be held in Three Parts : Part-I, Part-II and Part-III at the end of study in the 1st Year, 2nd Year and 3rd Year Classes.
Students of this college are required to wear white saree with green border and white blouse on special occasion. The students may wear either saree or knee length salwar and kameez with dopatta in the college and hostel. They must maintain decency and decorum in dress and demeanor.