1. Definition: Botany is the scientific study of plants, including their structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, classification, and evolution.
  2. Scope: It encompasses various aspects of plant biology, ranging from the molecular and cellular levels to the ecological and evolutionary levels.
  3. Topics Covered:
    • Plant Anatomy: Study of the internal structure of plants, including tissues, organs, and cells.
    • Plant Physiology: Investigation of plant function and processes, such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and hormone regulation.
    • Plant Taxonomy: Classification and identification of plants based on their morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics.
    • Plant Ecology: Study of the interactions between plants and their environment, including their distribution, adaptation, and relationships with other organisms.
    • Plant Genetics: Examination of the heredity and genetic variation in plants, including breeding and genetic engineering.
    • Plant Evolution: Investigation of the origin, diversification, and evolutionary relationships of plants over geological time scales.
    • Plant Biotechnology: Application of biological techniques and methods to manipulate plants for agricultural, medicinal, and industrial purposes.
    • Ethnobotany: Study of the cultural significance and traditional uses of plants by human societies.
  4. Methodology:
    • Observation: Studying plants in their natural habitats or in controlled environments to observe their characteristics and behavior.
    • Experimentation: Conducting experiments to investigate specific aspects of plant biology, physiology, ecology, or genetics.
    • Analysis: Collecting and analyzing data using various techniques and tools, such as microscopy, molecular biology, and statistical analysis.
    • Documentation: Recording observations, experimental procedures, and findings in scientific journals, reports, or databases.
    • Collaboration: Collaborating with other scientists, researchers, and institutions to share knowledge, resources, and expertise.
  5. Applications:
    • Agriculture: Improving crop yield, quality, and resistance to pests and diseases through plant breeding, genetic engineering, and biotechnology.
    • Medicine: Discovering and developing pharmaceuticals and herbal medicines derived from plants for treating various diseases and disorders.
    • Conservation: Studying and preserving plant biodiversity, endangered species, and ecosystems to maintain ecological balance and ecosystem services.
    • Horticulture: Cultivating ornamental plants, fruits, vegetables, and herbs for landscaping, gardening, and commercial purposes.
    • Environmental Science: Monitoring and mitigating the impacts of human activities, pollution, and climate change on plant communities and ecosystems.
    • Biotechnology: Producing biofuels, bioplastics, and other sustainable materials from plant-based sources for renewable energy and green technology.



Dr Tarit Kumar Pramanik

Associate Professor(Associate Professor)


Dr Supratik Ganguly

Associate Professor(M.Sc., Ph.D.)


Dr Shyamal Seth

Associate Professor(M.Sc., Ph.D.)


Dr Priyanka Chakraborty (Bandopadhyay)

M.Sc. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D.


Dr Jhuma Biswas

Assistant Professor(M.Sc., Ph.D.)


Dr Anand Sharma

Assistant Professor( M.Sc., Ph.D.)


Dr Tanushree Dutta

SACT-I(M.Sc., Ph.D)


Smt. Subhra Bandopadhyay